Hi! My name is not Carol Elaine. (we’ll get to that later) My name is Stacie Nagel. I think. It might be Stacy. Or Stacey. Or (my favorite) Cdace. Or George. Or Jorge. Or StacyGeorge. If any of these names are called while I’m sitting in the waiting room at the DMV, I will stand up.
I own a small town, but very busy, bakery. Currently my staff is running it, and I am working on so many background things at home.
I’m a dog mom of 4 crazy poodley doodley dogs. Omaha, Mavis, Mike Wazowski and Henry. Don’t worry – there will be enough mentions and posts about them that you’ll feel like they’re your dogs too.
I need to have a creative outlet. Sometimes I find that in cookies, and sometimes I find it in yarn. And, sometimes I find it in the strangest places, but one thing is certain – I need to have it, or I get … um, let’s call it “unsettled”.
Frequently when I’m baking or crafting, one of two things happens. One, I think that whatever recipe or pattern or thing I’m working on is the best thing ever and everyone needs to know about it. And two, I think about what I’m doing and it parallels with something that’s happening in my life, and I think, “Huh. There’s a sermon in here somewhere.” So whichever way it goes, I figure a blog would be a good way to get my revelations into the universe.