I went to Ukraine the other day. Ok, maybe it’s been over 14 years ago, but still. It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago. It was my second time there, and this time I flew by myself and met Andrew in the Kyiv airport in the northern part of the country. We visited…
Shrinky dinky doo
I got to thinking after writing one of the earlier posts about shrinky dinks. I wanted to see if it was just as fun as I remembered. So I went to Amazon and bought a cute little Shrinky dink kit. And do you know what? It was! I had my fun little basic markers and…
Pebbles for Penguins
According to science, and/or maybe fairy tales, penguins look for the perfect pebble to bring to another penguin in hopes that the pebble will make their mate so happy that they will want to be with them forever. I think that’s the very basic version anyway, and I’m sure there is much more to it,…