According to science, and/or maybe fairy tales, penguins look for the perfect pebble to bring to another penguin in hopes that the pebble will make their mate so happy that they will want to be with them forever. I think that’s the very basic version anyway, and I’m sure there is much more to it, but I choose to believe that since penguins happen to be the best animal in the world that it has to be true.
I think everyone in the world has their own pebbles that they can share with others. Not necessarily so that other people can mate with them for life, but so that the other person can be happy. It’s like spreading little pebbles of joy all over. I’ve decided that my pebbles are baked goods and a wayward craft here and there, so I will be using this platform to share my pebbles and hopefully make you happy along the way.
And. I don’t know why, but I always pick up rocks when I go somewhere new. I pick up little pebbles and stick them in that little pocket on the car door. I have three in there right now from Horsetooth mountain in Colorado. I don’t know.